Some of the below publications are also listed on my Google Scholar page.
Journal Articles
2024. “Pacifism, the Science of Peace, and the Constitution of War as a Governance Problem.” Global Studies Quarterly 4 (3): ksae057.
2024. “Do Ethics Matter to Researchers? Introducing the Ethics References in Conflict Studies (ERICS) Dataset,” with M. P. Broache and Stephanie Schwartz. Journal of Global Security Studies 9 (3): ogae027.
2024. “Dead-ends, disasters, delays? Introduction to the Forum,” with Gustav Meibauer and Neil C. Renic. International Studies Perspectives (advance article).
2023. “Counting Bodies, Preventing War: Future Conflict and the Ethics of Fatality Numbers.” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 26 (3): 622–642.
2021. “War as Disease: Biomedical Metaphors in Prevention Discourse.” European Journal of International Relations 27 (4): 1020–1041.
2015. “Ein nachhaltiger Friedensprozess? Die Mindanao-Friedensverhandlungen zwischen innovativem Potential und eingetretenen Pfaden” [A Sustainable Peace Process? The Mindanao Peace Talks in between Innovation and Path Dependency], Wissenschaft & Frieden (3): 28-31. With Jan Pospisil.
Works in Progress
“A World Worth Saving: Martial Ecologies, Prevention, and the Ethics of ‘Becoming with’ War.” Revise & Resubmit.
“Scientific Machine vs. Power Politics: Conflict Prediction and the Black Box of AI.”
“(Not) Measuring the Bomb: Counterforce, Strategic Ignorance, and the Illusion of Control.”
“Take the Hype Train: Technospeak, Buzzwords, and the Versatility of AI” (with Gustav Meibauer).
“Pedagogy and the Myth of Tech Inevitability.”
“Making War Count: Epistemic Modernism, Scientific Rationalism, and the Quantitative Study of Conflict.”
Policy Papers & Working Papers
2015. “Tauwetter im ‘Frozen Conflict’? Moldau und Transnistrien im Schatten der Ukraine-Krise” [Thawing in a ‘Frozen Conflict’? Moldova and Transnistria in the Light of the Ukraine Crisis]. oiip Policy Paper, 2/2015. With Jan Pospisil.
2015. “Was bedeutet ‘resiliente’ Sicherheitspolitik? Der Versuch einer politischen Kontextualisierung” [What is ‘Resilient’ Security Policy? A Political Contextualisation], oiip Working Paper no. 81, June 2015. With Jan Pospisil.
Op-Eds, Media & Blogs
2024. “Today’s AI threat: More like nuclear winter than nuclear war,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, with Dan P. Zimmer.
2023. “Counting Bodies, Preventing War,” Interview with Mike Spagat for the Every Casualty Counts blog, September 20.
Book Reviews
2013. “Hermann Mückler, Gerald Faschingeder (Eds., 2012), Tradition und Traditionalismus. Zur Instrumentalisierung eines Identitätskonzeptes” [Tradition and Traditionalism. On the Instrumentalisation of an Identity Concept]. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 24(4): 98-101.